JHS Theater Production Goes to District
April 13, 2023
As one of the greatest theater programs, JHS theater is acting the part. Recently, the theater program advanced to and competed in the UIL district competition. Their show titled Dark Roads is an important look at the tragic events of the Holocaust and is told from the perspective of a Nazi guard and her sister.
“This actually wasn’t the first show that I picked,” theater director Alyssa Flores said. “I originally picked a different show. Once I had met the kids, I knew that the show that I had previously picked wasn’t going to be a good fit. When I read this one, it was perfect. Not only is it a good story in general, but it’s something that needs to be shared.”
Flores, a first year teacher, has led the theater program to success in the past year. Her aim is to allow the students to grow and try new things.
“I want to push the kids to venture into different acting choices and different tech choices,” Flores said. “I try not to give as many actions so they kind of come up with it themselves.”
Not only did the theater program deliver the show well, they also prepared extensively for their performance.
“Before the show actually started, we went to a Holocaust Museum in San Antonio, so I kind of looked back at pictures and notes on what we learned,” Pistol McCormick, junior actress, said. “Everyone who was a part of it has put so much into it, and I’m really proud of us. I think Johnson, our theater group, did well as a whole.”
At the museum, the cast listened to accounts from guest speakers whose families were affected by the Holocaust.
“She spoke to us about their story and how important it was for us to portray our characters well because there are people that deny that the Holocaust even happened,” Maritza Rebollar, junior actress, said about one of the guest speakers.
The passion and drive that the JHS theater program has is remarkable. Many of the people involved in the production talked about it being an experience to remember.
“I think everything that needed to happen, happened in a great way,” Flores said.