The school board met to discuss the May 2025 bond recommendation by the district’s Facilities and Bond Oversight Committee (FBOC). Their meeting on Nov. 18 led to a vote and the recommendation was accepted.
From December to mid-January, the Board will revise the recommendation by cutting or inputting items until they decide on if they should call a bond election at all on Jan. 27. The state’s legal deadline is Feb. 14 if the school district wants to be on the May. 3 ballot. So if the Board calls for a bond election, then voters can vote for or against certain projects on the ballots.
Buda citizens are able to give their comments before the Board on Dec. 16, the week of Jan. 13 (Date TBD) and January 23, 2025 in the Meredith Keller Board Room at the Academic Support Center.
Although the 2023 bond allowed for the construction and expansion currently undergo, the Board will be discussing adding a Multipurpose Activity Center to all Hays CISD high schools while they also contemplate if they should call for a bond election this upcoming spring.
But a big effect of the bond would most likely be a new high school built near the Sunfield subdivision. If the district were to build a fourth high school then this would help relieve the overcrowding problems JHS has been experiencing. There are 2,862 students enrolled from the 2024-2025 school term with the number to almost double by the next 10 years. The new high school would help ease the rapid growth of students and mitigate any traffic issues.
The 2025 bond will also be covering new projects to JHS like the addition of a parking lot on the west side of the campus and a weight room with an estimated cost of $14,436,487. Overall the bond has an estimated cost of $885,278,431.