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The Student News Site of Johnson High School

Jag Journal

  • Prom is Saturday, April 12th!
  • Graduation will be held at Texas State University in San Marcos at the Strahan Arena on May 27.
  • Last day of school May 22, summer begins May 23!
  • Have a story idea? Email it to [email protected]
The Student News Site of Johnson High School

Jag Journal

Jag Journal

Yearbook Copy Editor Athena Metzger

Athena Metzger, Staff Writer

Sophomore Athena Metzger is a newspaper and yearbook staff member with three years of journalism experience. She loves journalism because it gives her the ability to tell the hard truths and  inspirational stories of her peers. In her free time she can be found reading and knitting, and at school she is involved in UIL Journalism, NEHS, and NAHS.

All content by Athena Metzger
Junior Ava Schlotterbeck waiting with Academic dean Tim Jacobson for her A Honor Roll award at the academic award ceremony on Oct. 30.

[Photo] 100 in the Greens and in the Grades

Daniella Moreno, Editor-In-Chief
November 15, 2024

Junior Ava Schlotterbeck waiting with Academic dean Tim Jacobson for her A Honor Roll award at the academic award ceremony on Oct. 30.

The cheer team performing their stunt under the black lights.

[Photo] Jag Pride Shines Strong

Avery Humphries, Assistant Editor-In-Chief
September 11, 2024

The cheer team performing their stunt under the black lights.

The cheer team performing their stunt under the black lights.

The cheer team performing their stunt under the black lights.

Back of the Line: Cars line up for pickup in the Johnson band and main pickup loops on Aug 21, 2024

Pickup in Waves

Athena Metzger, Staff Writer
August 26, 2024

Back of the Line: Cars line up for pickup in the Johnson band and main pickup loops on Aug 21, 2024

Farming the Future: (left to right) FFA student directors Haley Robertson, Harley Ellis, Morgan McCallum, Cyan Baesse, Marley Dionne, and Summer Hundl explain the different activities through the club.

FFA Ice Cream Social

Agriculture Club Hosts Promotion Event
Athena Metzger, Editor-In-Chief
September 4, 2024

To present the opportunities and benefits of joining the farmer's association, the JHS FFA hosted an ice cream social on Wednesday from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in room 143, open to all students interested in joining...

Drawn to JHS: Libby Phillips, Kylie Bowlin, Kylie Miller, Avery Humphries, and Jenya Ratanjee draw with chalk at the Back to School Bash on Aug. 17 at the Buda City Park.

Choir Kickoff

Back to School Bash a Blast
Athena Metzger, Staff Writer
August 20, 2024

To promote connectivity and spirit, the JHS choir organized a back-to-school get-together on Aug. 17 at the Buda City Park. JHS choir members and their families were welcome to attend. "This is the...

Remy Zain (8) swinging for the ball at tennis tryouts Thursday May 9.

Tennis Tryouts of ’24

Incoming freshmen, veterans of the sport attend tryouts
Athena Metzger, Staff Writer
May 17, 2024

Tennis tryouts were held for next school year's freshmen and current members of the team on Thursday, May 9 with the biggest turnout so far of 38 names on the roster, including 18 incoming freshmen. Results...

STAAR Test Logo

STAAR Constructed Responses Graded by Computer

A program similar to AI will grade the STAAR written responses
Athena Metzger, Writer
May 3, 2024

The Texas Education Agency announced in December 2023 in their paper, Scoring Process for STAAR Constructed Responses, that the constructed response questions in the 2024 STAAR tests will be graded by...

A great hit: Senior Sydney Wagner takes a swing at the ball at the softball tournament on Thursday, Feb 29. The tournament went from Feb 29 to March 2, and Johnson lost against Flour Bluff 5-7. “Playing softball kind of feels like nothing else is around me and I’m just in the zone,” Wagner said. “I love that I don’t have anything else to worry about.”

Lady Jags Softball Face Loss

Softball loses 5-7 at tournament Saturday
Athena Metzger, Writer
March 6, 2024

Game Well Played: Sophomore Kaitlyn De La Fuente shakes hands with one of the members of the Hutto High School softball team after their win. De La Fuente started softball when she was four years old and loves how fast-paced the sport is. “We won our first four games, and then Saturday we lost our last game,” De La Fuente said. “But we started off strong, and although we didn’t win all our games, it was still a good weekend.”

Game Well Played: Sophomore Kaitlyn De La Fuente shakes hands with one of the members of the Hutto High School softball team after their win. De La Fuente started softball when she was four years old and...

Running to First: Sophomore Zayra Valle runs for first base. When she was three years old, she started to play, and she loved it so much she never stopped. “I love my teammates, coaches, and the environment. Being taught new things is fun,” Valle said. “When I play, I feel great. I’m not nervous and I trust everyone around me. It feels so fun.”

Running to First: Sophomore Zayra Valle runs for first base. When she was three years old, she started to play, and she loved it so much she never stopped. “I love my teammates, coaches, and the environment....

Team Support: Sophomore Bri Kirkup and her teammates look on to the game. She has been playing since she was six years old and loves the community the sport offers. “When I was younger, I thought softball was fun,” Kirkup said. “My parents got me to do it, and I just fell in love with it.”

Team Support: Sophomore Bri Kirkup and her teammates look on to the game. She has been playing since she was six years old and loves the community the sport offers. “When I was younger, I thought softball...

Victory cry: Freshman Bridgett Alvair cheers on her teammates. She started playing softball when she was five years old to do something like her brothers, who all played baseball. “My favorite thing is to pitch. I like it because you have control over the game,” Alvair said. “I feel like all my problems outside of school just go away and I can just have fun on the field.”

Victory cry: Freshman Bridgett Alvair cheers on her teammates. She started playing softball when she was five years old to do something like her brothers, who all played baseball. “My favorite thing...

Squaring up: Junior Madie Mendoza rears up to swing. She grew up playing softball with her family and loves the sport. “Softball has been in my family for a long time,” Mendoza said. “My dad, mom, and all my cousins play, so I grew up watching them and feel kind of connected to them.”

Squaring up: Junior Madie Mendoza rears up to swing. She grew up playing softball with her family and loves the sport. “Softball has been in my family for a long time,” Mendoza said. “My dad, mom,...

For the Win:
Varsity Baseball celebrates their victory against Del Valle. Last Tuesday, they lost 3-1, but this game gave them a 4-1 win. “It’s pretty competitive and pretty close,” Durham said. “During this game, luckily we were able to grab the lead, and we never let go of it.”

Hitting It Home

Varsity Baseball wins against Del Valle 4-1
Athena Metzger, Writer
February 29, 2024

Right off the bat: 
The Varsity Baseball team warms up for their home game against Del Valle on Tuesday, Feb 27. It’s their 8th game of the season. Ethan McLain (12), center, has been on the Varsity team for four years. “Hitting the ball hard, it just feels really good, the fact that you don’t really feel anything,” McLain said. “Just when you know you’ve squared a ball up.”

Right off the bat: The Varsity Baseball team warms up for their home game against Del Valle on Tuesday, Feb 27. It’s their 8th game of the season. Ethan McLain (12), center, has been on the Varsity...

Striving for First: 
Thomas Schnabel (11) runs for first base. Schnabel has been on the Varsity team all his three years at JHS, and he plans on being there next year as well. “[I love] the environment, just being out there,” Schnabel said. “It’s just great. Everything about it.

Striving for First: Thomas Schnabel (11) runs for first base. Schnabel has been on the Varsity team all his three years at JHS, and he plans on being there next year as well. “[I love] the environment,...

Team Huddle:'
The Varsity Baseball team huddles up before their game. They hype up for the game as Coach Mark Durham gives a pep talk. “It’s kind of an old saying, but there is a lot of failure in baseball, and failing once or twice, it’s not the end of the world because you’re always gonna get another chance,” Durham said. “So you just can’t get too down, you can’t get too excited, you just have to stay even. That’s what our kids need to know. Just stay the course, take what the game gives you.”

Team Huddle:' The Varsity Baseball team huddles up before their game. They hype up for the game as Coach Mark Durham gives a pep talk. “It’s kind of an old saying, but there is a lot of failure in...

Paying Tribute: 
The Varsity Baseball team honors the national anthem before their game. Previously, they’ve had their share of landslide and close wins. “I think we’re gonna win by a lot,” Ethan McLain said. “I think we’re gonna hit good and field good.”

Paying Tribute: The Varsity Baseball team honors the national anthem before their game. Previously, they’ve had their share of landslide and close wins. “I think we’re gonna win by a lot,” Ethan...

Illustration by Athena Metzger

Community Service is Required of Future Graduates

Freshman Students Must Complete 40 Hours in 4 Years
Athena Metzger, Staff Writer
December 15, 2023

In efforts to promote volunteerism, several Texas high schools have begun to require forty hours of community service to graduate, starting with freshmen. Community service hours should not be a requirement...

JHS cheer team performing at pink-out pep rally.

[Photo] Pink-Out Pep Rally

November 13, 2023

JHS cheer team performing at pink-out pep rally.

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Athena Metzger