Students don’t agree with the tardy policy. Students think it is too strict and believe it should be more lenient. The policy is three tardies: a warning and pulled out of class. Four tardies is lunch detention, five or more tardies can result in ISS or even Saturday school.
Administration is punishing students for being late to class and give them ISS to fix the issue. Really, it is a problem between the student and the teacher. The student loses quality class time and falls behind and the teacher eventually has to catch the student up. There will also be students that want to do well and missing class can put them in risk of failing the class.
Students believe the school should be more lenient during the mornings because of the school traffic, buses running late or other reasons. Mornings aren’t so easy for students. Administrators don’t understand the struggle of finding a parking space at school with the traffic, the buses running late or missing the bus.
Students should be allowed at least ten tardies through each semester, then get punished by only lunch detention. What will losing class time teach them? That is the students’ thoughts on the tardy policy.