When most people think of high school sports, they think of football, basketball, or soccer, but the spotlight this year is on the JHS contestants for University Interscholastic League (UIL) Journalism , and they are ready to slam the pen onto the paper, each with their own unique twist.

Jayme Estrada is in the competition for legacy, improving with the help of his journalism teacher, Britney Crowe, and he shows no signs of slowing down, expressing a burning desire to dominate the headline and editorial competition.
“I’ve done UIL headline writings and newspapers for Crowe in the past, which taught me that if I can’t figure out one headline, then move on to the next, you got to utilize your time,” senior Estrada said. “My writing skills improved heavily from Crowe. I’m more confident than ever. I do this to win, because if you don’t win then you won’t be remembered.”

Senior Daniella Moreno on the other hand doesn’t care too much for the competition, but she competes because it’s therapeutic for her, expressing a deep feeling of relaxation when writing in competition.
“Writing for me is very simple, very fun, even relaxing. Many people get stressed out because of the time limit, but honestly it’s like a game to me; I don’t sweat it,” Moreno said. “I really like writing; it’s one of my favorite hobbies. It’s really nice to kick back and relax, not having to worry about anything.”

Sophomore Athena Metzger looks at it from an educational perspective, writing to get a good opportunity in the future, and ultimately hoping to score her win next.
“My mindset isn’t too complex; I walk in, sit down, analyze the topic, pick up the pen, and write to the best of my ability,” Metzger said, “I only write to get a good opportunity for a future career. I’m not in it for the money or competition. I love writing and that’s it.”