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The Student News Site of Johnson High School

Jag Journal

  • Prom is Saturday, April 12th!
  • Graduation will be held at Texas State University in San Marcos at the Strahan Arena on May 27.
  • Last day of school May 22, summer begins May 23!
  • Have a story idea? Email it to [email protected]
The Student News Site of Johnson High School

Jag Journal

Jag Journal

Posed picture of senior Jayme Estrada

Jayme Estrada, Staff Writer

Senior Jayme Estrada is a newspaper and yearbook staff member with one year of journalism experience. Outside of school he enjoys sleeping and going to work. He also competes on the UIL Journalism Team.


All content by Jayme Estrada

Bus Crash Leads to Improved Buses

Board approves seat belt policy to better safety for students
Jayme Estrada, Staff Writer
August 21, 2024

The Hays school board met to discuss their new seat belt plan on April 15 and passed it unanimously in response to the Tom Green bus crash that resulted in the death of 5-year-old Ulises Rodriguez and...

Learning new skills: Jocelyn Cruz wetting mannequin hair so the hair can hold to practice curls with hair rollers. She manually holds up the hair so she may work on the mannequins back hair. “I’m going to go to college so I can learn about business.” Jocelyn Cruz said. “ I want to go into doing nails.”

Learning new skills: Jocelyn Cruz wetting mannequin hair so the hair can hold to practice curls with hair rollers. She manually holds up the hair so she may work on the mannequins back hair. “I’m going...

Focusing on perfection: Lauren Aguero and Mary Alice Vigil focusing on their mannequin’s hair to perfect their technique on working with hair and curling it. The hair curling requires full focus in order to correctly tighten the hair around the roller. “I know I want to go to college, so I’m going to use my cosmetology knowledge to help me pay for that,” Vigil said.

Focusing on perfection: Lauren Aguero and Mary Alice Vigil focusing on their mannequin’s hair to perfect their technique on working with hair and curling it. The hair curling requires full focus in order...

New nails, Who’s this?: Brylee Goodwin practices her nail technique on her friend by applying black nail paint on her friend’s nails. She takes her time as she’s a newcomer to the cosmetology class by concentrating on the nails. “I got into cosmetology because my mom is in cosmetology and I would also like to use it as a career path. I want to go into hair so I can work with people’s hair and do hair extensions,” Brylee Goodwin said. “I think I’ll either go to college or go work with my mom at her salon.”

New nails, Who’s this?: Brylee Goodwin practices her nail technique on her friend by applying black nail paint on her friend’s nails. She takes her time as she’s a newcomer to the cosmetology class...

Weighed down wig: Anahi Vargas-Bravo inserts many hair rollers for hair curling and straightens the hair with a comb in order to get the hair to form a curl after the rollers are taken off. “I really liked the industry, I really like hair and beauty,” Anahi Vargas-Bravo said. “I would really like to work with hair, it makes me get to experience more.”

Weighed down wig: Anahi Vargas-Bravo inserts many hair rollers for hair curling and straightens the hair with a comb in order to get the hair to form a curl after the rollers are taken off. “I really...

Following behind dreams: Destiny Coneche curling the mannequin head’s fake hair with hair rollers. She later receives feedback from the cosmetology teacher on her technique. “My mom never got to finish for cosmetology,” Destiny Coneche said. “I wanted to finish her dream for her and open my own salon.”

Following behind dreams: Destiny Coneche curling the mannequin head’s fake hair with hair rollers. She later receives feedback from the cosmetology teacher on her technique. “My mom never got to finish...

Trials of being taught the technique for hair: Eileen Zavala working hard on her mannequins hair with many types of hair accessories. She uses hair clips in order to hold the hair out of the way of the back of the mannequins head so she can work on the hair on the back side of the head. “I’ve always love doing my hair and makeup at home,” Eileen Zavala said. “I want to be a nail technician for a couple of years.”

Trials of being taught the technique for hair: Eileen Zavala working hard on her mannequins hair with many types of hair accessories. She uses hair clips in order to hold the hair out of the way of the...

The JHS library was full of journalists from the central Texas region attending a midwinter journalism workshop on Jan. 25

Mid-Winter Journalism Workshop

Johnson Hosts Ten Schools from Texas for Inspiration
Jayme Estrada, Staff Writer
February 2, 2024

Johnson hosted a mid-winter journalism workshop for students and teachers with different keynote speakers from the University of North Texas, Texas Association of Journalism Educators, and more. “I...

The second floor hallway at Johnson tends to have the most congestion.

Johnson Hallways Overflow with Students

Passing Periods don’t Prevent Pushing
Jayme Estrada, Staff Writer
February 1, 2024

As the bells ring for class, students flood the halls to get to their next class, but during this time, they also catch up with their friends and walk around with the remaining time. However, this is a...

Hays District Weather Requirements for School Cancellations

How Hays Decides on School Delays, Early Dismissals, Closure
Jayme Estrada, Staff Writer
January 12, 2024

Weather is something that affects day to day life, but for students, it truly affects one aspect, school. Hays receives meteorological reports from The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)...

Junior, Ruben Guerrero petting Ruthie who came for Mutts on Mondays on Oct. 16.

Dogs Days of Johnson

Mutts on Mondays Heal Hearts
Jayme Estrada, Staff Writer
November 14, 2023

Kids head to the counselor's waiting area after the lunch bell to pet the soft, smooth, and joyful dogs after eating a good lunch and possibly relieve stress from school work. With kids feeling happy,...

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Jayme Estrada