The Class of 2025 gathered together to watch the sunrise before their last first day of school. An estimate of 150 seniors appeared, and the class office hopes to have a Senior Sunset at the end of the year with even more seniors.
“I feel like we had a lot more people show up than we thought would show up,” senior class vice-president Marlise Rodriguez said. “Which was good because we want to make sure everyone knows about senior events.”
Class officers prepared coffee and doughnuts for the seniors along with picture frames for seniors to use. Seniors were told to arrive by 6:40 a.m. to catch the sunrise or “cloudrise”.
“It is a fun first day; you notice that a lot of them don’t pay attention to the sunrise, they just kind of drink coffee and hang with their friends,” class office sponsor Mr. Eric Accardi said.
But now seniors have started to prepare for the first varsity football game, this Friday at Cedar Ridge H.S. .
“I’m really excited for football season.” senior class president Abigail Cannon said.
“I just think it’s so fun, I like how everyone comes together as a community for our team and supports everyone.”
The first pep rally of the year will be next week, and the theme is neon. Class officers will also begin prepping for that event this week.
“We’re really just getting ready for the first pep rally, just getting all the seniors together again with all the school spirit,” Cannon said.
For seniors, the pep rallies will be their last chance to show Jag Pride.
“I love the pep rallies because they [seniors] really get into that,” Accardi said. “They were starting to realize ‘Ok these are our final pep rallies in high school’.”
The class office is in charge of helping plan and organize the pep rallies, especially how their class will show spirit. Along with Cannon and Rodriguez, there are six other officers. Madison Cannon is secretary, Joanna Mata is treasurer, Angelique Loredo Diego is historian, Arianna Dees is head spirit coordinator, and Annabella Abeln and Amada Telles are both appointed spirit coordinators.
“We work really well together, we have a lot of the same people from last year, but also I feel like the new additions have really acclimated to our work schedule really well,” Rodriguez said. “I feel like everybody does their part.”
Most of the senior class officers were also junior class officers, which helped them build relationships and experience managing school events.
“They’re a really good group, they’re really close,” Accardi said. “I taught most of them in tenth grade so they’ve all kind of grown over the three years on how to be a class officer, how to be a leader in school.”